Let me tell you how some of your evening and night time may look like. It will change and vary depending on your baby’s age. For the first 3 months or so your baby sleep is unorganized. They may go to sleep in various hours and wake up for a feeding every 3 hours or so. Some babies can stretch a longer night rest, but please don’t count on that. Whether you believe in sleep coaching or not, it is healthy and important for us parents to teach our kids healthy sleep habits. Some parents start with the right sleep habits right from
the beginning but unfortunately get sidetracked and confused because the changes that their baby is going through. And when that happens it’s a slippery slope getting to inconsistent and bed sleep habits. For that I highly recommend using a hatch baby night light and sounds machine. At first I wasn’t aware of this product until I had to go through sleep training myself (and later became asleep consultant). It has various applications from different light colors (that’s very in intensity) and different sounds (from White noises to natural sounds) and also can be controlled from your phone. This product can be used right from the beginning in order to create a healthier more consistent sleep habits that you and your baby will grow into. Usually when you do that there is a lower chance you need sleep consultation in the future.
As a sleep consultant I follow the guidance of the American Academy of Pediatrics for safe sleep. Many parents struggle with the question of how many layers should I have my baby wearing while sleeping at night. Usually for the first 3 months you can use swaddle to wrap your baby to sleep. That functions as a second light layer of fabric. But that can be unraveled during night time and could be dangerous as a loose fabric in the baby’s crib. While some doctors refrain from swaddling I encountered this product that allows you to lightly dress your baby and still use a safe baby sleep environment. I love using this baby long sleeve wearable sleep bag. It has a thick fluffy breathable shell while your baby is safely snuggled in it. Your baby can move during night time while wearing it and it also supports the hip joints that should be allowed in an open position. It can be used for many months for the size is quite variable. And honestly you only need one or two of those.