How to Take Care of a Newborn Baby

Sleep Consultation

Many parents face challenges with their baby’s sleep, as up to 30% of infants do not reach their full sleep potential. There are so many myths and misconceptions around us about pediatric and infant sleep, and yet, it is such a basic and important function in our lives that it is sometimes not fully answered. The key to ensuring your baby sleeps well is to help them develop the ability to self-soothe and establish healthy sleep habits. My goal is to assist other parents who are facing sleep challenges and help their babies achieve better rest.

Let’s have a talk about your challenges and see how we can move forward with a solution that works for you and your family.

Book now your FREE evaluation call. I am ready to support you and your family and find solutions for better sleep for you and your little one.
Sleep Consultation, Sleep Consultation

Targeted Sleep Consultation


Are you struggling to get your child to sleep through the night? Are you tired of endless nights of interrupted sleep and constant exhaustion? My two-hour targeted sleep consultation is here to help. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I will work with you and your child to develop a customized sleep plan that meets your unique needs and helps you achieve restful, peaceful nights. During our consultation, we will discuss your child’s sleep patterns, habits, and routines, and identify any underlying factors that may be affecting their sleep. Together, we will develop a plan that includes practical strategies for improving sleep quality and quantity, as well as ongoing support and guidance to ensure your success. With my targeted sleep consultation, you can say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to well-rested, happy days

Complete 6 week Sleep Coaching


Are you ready to make a lasting change to your family’s sleep habits and routines? My Complete 6 Week Sleep Coaching program is designed to provide you with the comprehensive support and guidance you need to achieve restful, peaceful nights for you and your child. As a pediatric sleep consultant with years of experience, I understand the challenges parents face when it comes to getting their children to sleep through the night. That’s why I’ve developed a six-week program that includes a personalized sleep plan, ongoing support and accountability, and practical strategies for improving sleep quality and quantity.

Got any questions?

Got any questions? Please let me know what information you need, and I’ll do my best to provide you with accurate and helpful answers.

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